Our Courses

Below is the detailed list of the courses we offer to our propsective clients, both organisations and individuals. Contact us for more information.

Course Code Course Name Course Details Course Duration
RBT Robotics new!
  1. mBot
  2. Scratch
8 Weeks
3DA 3D Animation for Kids new!
  1. Alice 3D
  2. Stop Motion
8 Weeks
CICT Certificate in Information and Communication Technology
  1. Microsoft Word
  2. Microsoft Excel
  3. Microsoft Access
  4. Microsoft PowerPoint
  5. Computer Fundamentals
  6. Internet/Social Media Basics
8 Weeks
DIT Diploma in Information Technology
  1. CICT Courses
  2. Diploma Courses
8 Weeks
DCA Diploma in Computer Accounting
  1. CICT Courses
  2. Peachtree Accounting
  3. SAGE50
12 Weeks
DDIT Diploma in Desktop Publishing and Information Technology
  1. CICT Courses
  2. CDP Courses
  3. Diploma Certification
4 Months
DCET Diploma in Computer Engineering Technology
  1. CICT Courses
  2. Hardware/Software Maintenance
  3. Hardware/Software Installation
  4. Computer Repairs
  5. CCNA Networking
4 Months
DDP Diploma in Desktop Programming
  1. Java
  2. Visual Studio
  3. Visual Basic
  4. C+
  5. C++
  6. Python
4 Weeks
DWP Diploma in Web Programming
  1. html
  2. PHP
  3. CSS
  4. SQL
  5. REACT
  6. WordPress
4 Weeks
DSTAT Diploma in Computer Statistics
  1. S.P.S.S.
  2. Diploma Certification
4 Weeks
DCAD Diploma in Computer Aided Design
  2. ArchiCAD
  3. Revit
4 Weeks
AMEX Advanced Microsoft Excel
  1. Microsoft Excel
  2. Diploma Certification
2 Weeks
DVE Diploma in Video Editing
  1. Adobe Premiere Pro
  2. Movavi Video Editor
2 Weeks
DPE Diploma in Photo Editing
  1. Adobe Photoshop
  2. Adobe Lightroom
2 Weeks

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